5 Health benefits of Linden Honey | 椴樹蜜的五大保健功效

Linden honey can help to relieve cold symptoms, reduce coughing and irritation caused by inflamed or swollen membranes throughout the mouth and respiratory tracts. It is also a great supplement to help eliminate congestion

椴樹蜜屬冬蜜 - 滋陰潤燥,在歐美以緩解咳嗽聞名,多項研究均指出椴樹蜜中的葡萄糖、果糖和多種活性物質有消炎、祛痰、潤肺、止咳的保健功效,對鼻炎、扁桃體發炎均有輔助療效

Antioxidant compounds like quercetin and kaempferol are particularly effective for protecting skin against signs of aging and exposure to the sun. Linden Honey is an all-natural beauty product that cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes the skin and flattens wrinkles


As with so many herbal remedies, the antioxidant property of linden is one of its best qualities. Antioxidant compounds such as quercetin and kaempferol both act as free radical scavengers, eliminating harmful by-products of cellular respiration from your system, thereby improving your overall health and preventing chronic diseases


P-coumaric acid (also known as diaphoretic) in Linden Honey induces sweating and is a very effective way of releasing toxins from the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), honey has a tonic effect because it replenish Qi and Blood, also help detoxify the body

椴樹蜜中含有對香豆酸及山奈酚等植物營養素,這些成分是天然的發汗劑,有助促進排汗,加速毒素排出。 而在中醫角度,蜂蜜潤燥、補中氣,同時有潤腸作用,每日一杯蜂蜜水,有助紓緩便秘問題,排毒養生

Linden honey soothing properties have been known to reduce mental stress and anxiety. If you suffer from mood swings or unexplained chronic stress, Linden honey can be a very wise addition to your health regimen
