Juilletgarden Organic Linden Honey assured the quality by HKSTC and it indicated that it is not pasteurised, free from antibiotics, HMF & GMO and no artificial additives. With pleasing lime aroma, lush floral aftertaste and smooth texture. With various beneficial properties like vitamin C, B, potassium, calcium, magnesium etc it has 5 major benefits including relieve coughing, detoxify the body, improve immune system, reinforce skin barrier and relieve stress. Therefore, it has always been regarded as the top honey variety in EU and US.
Recommended serving size: one to two teaspoons per day
Natural linden honey is easy to crystallize at low temperature, but it will not affect its nutritional content, nor will it affect consumption
Honey should not be given to a child under 12 months
Avoid heating honey to a temperature above 45 ° C in order to avoid losing nutrients
Honey should be sealed and stored in a cool dry place and avoid sunlight
Avoid using metal cutlery with honey
The colour and texture of honey will vary due to climate change and the season of collection, but this does not affect its nutritional value. It is proof that there is no added colour or flavour.
Juillet Garden的椴樹蜜通過本地檢測驗證,不含人造糖、未經加熱處理及不含抗生素,可安心食用。 每年限量採收並直接入口的優質椴樹蜜,擁有獨特花香並包含多種維生素、礦物和有機酸酶等成份,能消炎止咳、排毒、增強免疫力、加強皮膚屏障及減輕壓力。口感方面亦因結晶狀態帶有獨特的冰涼口感,彷如吃著一匙蜂蜜沙冰,是舒緩喉嚨不適的最佳蜂蜜選擇,因此在歐美一直被視為頂級的蜂蜜品種。